Media Coverage

EHang Receives ‘Operational Flight Permit’ from Norway CAA

EHang has obtained an ‘operational flight permit’ from the Civil Aviation Authority of Norway for its two-seat EHang 216 — its first such approval in Europe. Read More>>

EHang demonstrates medical transport applications in coronavirus response

EHang on Feb. 25 announced its participation in recent exercises organized by the local authorities of Hezhou city, Guangxi province, for the prevention and control of the coronavirus’s spread. Read More>>

Air taxi company EHang flies autonomously in the US for the first time

Aerial passenger drone startup EHang flew its EHang 216 two-seat self-flying taxi fully autonomously in North Carolina last night, a first for the company both in the U.S. and North America. Read More>>

Pilotless air taxi from China’s Ehang takes flight in the US for the first time

It represents the first time that Ehang has received permission to fly from the US Federal Aviation Administration, and it helped set the stage for it to receive approval for passenger demonstrations in the near future. Read More>>

EHang 216 Autonomous eVTOL Demonstrated in North Carolina

China’s EHang flew its 216 autonomous aerial vehicle for the first time in North America with a public demonstration on January 7 in Raleigh, North Carolina. Read More>>

Chinese drone company launches IPO amid China-US competition

Chinese high-tech firms continue overseas expansion and search for global financing with a globalized development strategy amid accelerating China-US tech competition. Read More>>

Drone-maker Ehang eyes global expansion in US IPO debut

A listing in the United States stock market would help Chinese drone-maker Ehang to facilitate its global market expansion in the autonomous aerial vehicle sector, according to senior managers of the company. Read More>>

EHang Partners On First UAM Route In Guangzhou

China’s EHang has partnered with property developer Heli Chuangxin Real Estate to develop an urban air mobility (UAM) demonstration project in Guanghzou. EHang selected Guaghzhou, its home base, as its first UAM pilot city in August and is working with t Read More>>

Vodafone und Flugtaxi-Anbieter Ehang vereinbaren 5G-Kooperation

Drohnen und Flugtaxis des chinesischen Technologiekonzerns Ehang sollen in Europa künftig die 5G-Netze von Vodafone verwenden. Die beiden Firmen starteten am Freitag eine europaweite Kooperation. Read More>>

Der Gründer der Flugtaxi-Firma EHang forciert seine Pläne für Europa

Hu Huazhi ist überzeugt, dass sich Flugtaxis als Verkehrsmittel durchsetzen werden. Doch der Weg zu Alltagsflügen dürfte noch weit sein. Link per E-Mail senden Link in GetPocket speichern Link in GetPocket speichern Link zum Artikel auf Facebook teilen T Read More>>